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A member registered Oct 01, 2017

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Holy shit, you have made my life so much better. Thank you SO MUCH for this reply!! :D

I feel your pain, same here. I don't think there is any way to change the font unfortunately... had to play the game in small intervals and very close to the screen.

My coterie's making a lighthearted murder mystery, where you play a mortal frat boy investigating his frat bro's suspicious disappearance. He goes to the local spooky abandoned hotel to investigate, not realizing that its occupants include a coterie of vampires (including one of the frat guys, who is a Ventrue). Instead, he and the rest of the frat have come to the conclusion that this is all definitely a mafia operation. As he conducts his very serious investigation, our Brotagonist has to take some very specific steps not to get murdered by Coterie members trying to avoid suspicion and protect the Masquerade. It's our first game, so we're making it in RPGMaker and it is primarily dialogue-focused :)

Anybody have tips for virtual instruments/soundfonts? So far I have some okay-sounding virtual instruments, but when I look for things like soundfonts or 16bit type of stuff to work with, it's always from licensed video games / sound that's just ripped from there. I've been trying to look into it, but the sheer amount of stuff out there is a little overwhelming. If anybody has some go-tos that they would recommend, I'd really appreciate it :']

Without spoilers: the bad ending is pretty obvious once you get to the choice that matters for it. It's all in the last chapter of the game, and the split is easy to tell. Otherwise, the choices in the game do not effect your ending :)

This may count as a spoiler, but I believe it's from the Halloween DLC (I got it from doing August's route).

Just reading the description for this game made me incredibly excited. I'm like two pages in and your writing is so beautiful and gripping, thank you so much for your hard work, I'm looking forward to watching this grow! <3